Alarm Associated Data

You can extend the alarm properties by adding your own associated data to be associated with the alarm. A common scenario is to have an alarm on the Amps tag of a motor and associated data on a tag that is associated with the motor controls, therefore when the Amps tag becomes too high the current setting of the motor control will be ported with the alarm.

To create associated data

  1. Right-click on the tag and select Edit tag(s).
    The Tag Editor window is displayed.

  2. Go to the Alarming section, select or create an alarm, and click the green plus sign + to add new associated data for the alarm.

  3. Rename the Associated Data, bind it to a value, and click OK.
    When the alarm becomes active, it can grab the value of the associated data and make it available with the alarm diagnostics and auditing.

Alarm Grouping

Grouping alarms in Ignition is an important concept so you can view alarms for a particular area of your plant or for a specific set of alarms. A common design practice is to associate alarm groupings on the associated data of the alarm.

To create alarm grouping

  1. Create an alarm

  2. Create associated data on the alarm.
    The associated data should be a static value that describes the group.

  3. Click OK.
    The alarm will now always have the group designation associated with it. This can be used for filtering or part of your alarm pipeline notifications.