Managing Users and Roles

Users and Roles

Security is based on the roles that are assigned to specific users. Roles do not have any structure or hierarchy by default, but can be created. You can create a hierarchy based on users with a greater role being assigned all matching lesser roles. Each user can have no role or many roles.

To create a role

  1. Go to the Configure section of the Gateway.

  2. Choose Security > Users, Roles from the menu on the left.
    The User Sources page is displayed.

  3. Click on the manage users link for the User Source you want to manage.

  4. Click the Roles tab, look for the orange arrow and click the Add Role link.

  5. Name the role by entering it in Role Name and click on Add Role to add the role.
    The role is now available to be associated with specific users.

To assign roles to users

  1. Go to the Configure section of the Gateway.

  2. Choose Security > Users, Roles from the menu on the left.
    The User Sources page is displayed.

  3. Click on the manage users link for the User Source you want to manage.

  4. Click on the Edit link for the User Source you want to edit, or look for the orange arrow and click the Add User link.

  5. Click the Roles tab, select which roles you want this user to have from the roles section of the user properties.
    The Administrator role is the only role until more roles are added, therefore no other roles will appear until they are created. Once they are created, they appear as check boxes just like the Adminstrator option.

  6. Click Save Changes.
    The user now has the privileges associated with each role.

Managing Users

User Sources support managing the users and roles from within Ignition to varying degrees. Some User Sources are fully manageable, meaning that you can administer the users, roles, contact info, and so on from within the Ignition Gateway, as well as inside a Vision Client. Other User Sources do not support this at all, while yet others only partially support it. Make sure you understand how and where the administration takes place before you choose a User Source type.

For User Sources that support it, you can manage the users and roles from within the Ignition Gateway's web config interface under Configure > Security > Users, Roles. Click on the manage link next to the User Source you want to administer.

Often it is desirable to let some management or administrative users of a Vision project manage other users without having to log into the Gateway's Configure section. To do this for a User Source that supports being managed, you can simply use the built-in User Management Panel that comes with the Vision Module.