Changing Gateway Memory Allocation

You can change the amount of memory (RAM) dedicated to the Gateway service by editing the Ignition configuration ignition.conf file.

The Configure>Status page of the Gateway shows the current status of the Memory (used/max) – how much memory is being used and the maximum amount of memory allocated.

To change the memory allocation

  1. Go to the install directory at Program Files > Inductive automation > Ignition > data and find the ignition.conf file.

  2. Open the ignition.conf file and scroll halfway down to Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB).

  3. Change

  4. Save the ignition.conf file.

  5. Launch the Gateway Control Utility (GCU) and click Restart to start the service again.
    If there is not enough memory in the system, Ignition will not restart and you need to go back to the ignition.conf file and change the max memory to the lower number as before.

When Ignition is restarted, you can verify that the memory allocation is updated by going to the Configure>Status page and checking the numbers shown for Memory (used/max).

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