Gateway Setup

Important Gateway Settings

The Gateway is at the heart of the Ignition software. It runs as a web server and you can access it through a web browser. Once running, you can get various status information about the Gateway, access important functions from the Gateway Control Utility, and customize the Gateway's homepage to fit your needs.

Required Roles

There are several properties that are required to access certain sections of the Gateway.



Gateway Config Role(s)

Allows you to enter roles to control access to the Gateway Configure section.

Status Page Role(s)

Allows you to enter roles to control access to the Gateway Status section.

Home Page Role(s)

Allows you to enter roles to control access to the Gateway Home section.

Designer Role(s)

Allows you to enter roles to control access to the Designer.

Scheduled Backups

The Scheduled Backup Settings (shown in the above table) control the Gateway's scheduled backup system. This system is capable of automatically making a Gateway backup and storing it to a folder path, which can be a network path.

When you enable this system, you must specify a destination folder. This can be a local folder, for example C:\backups or /var/backups , or a network path such as \\fileserver\backups.

The scheduled backup system works on a schedule that is specified using UNIX crontab syntax. This is a standard format for specifying a basic schedule. The format consists of five space-separated fields, one for minute, hour, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. The special Gateway Configuration 72 character * means all. Slashes can be used to indicate that values should be stepped, for example, */5 in the minutes field means "every 5 minutes", or 0:00, 0;05, 0:10, etc.

Here are some examples:



0 1 5 * *

Once a month, on the 5th day at 1am

5 * * * *

Once an hour, on the :05 minute. 0:05, 1:05, 2:05, etc.

30 5 * *

Mon Every Monday at 5:30am

* 6-14 * * *

Every minute, but only between 6am and 2pm

*/5 8-17 * * 1-5

Every 5 minutes between 8am and 5pm but only during the week (1-5). 0=Sunday,
1=Monday, etc.

*/15 * * * *

Every 15 minutes, on the quarter-hour. 0:15, 0:30, 0:45; 1:00, 1:15, etc.

If something is wrong with the scheduled backup system, it will store error messages to the Gateway logs.

Multicast Settings

These properties allow the Gateway to broadcast information about itself via multicast UDP packets. This allows the Gateway to be discoverable by any components that are also listening to the same multicast address.

For example, native client launchers listen on a multicast address to provide a list of available Gateways on the network. Verify that the send ports and receive ports are open on the Gateway machine in order to be able to broadcast multicast message.

On this page ...

Gateway Property Reference

After you launch the Gateway , you can define the high-level settings that apply to the entire Gateway by going to the Configuration > Gateway Settings page. From this page, you can use the default values or define a new setting.

Gateway Settings

System Name

Is a unique name for this Ignition installation. It is used to distinguish this server from others on the network when working with multiple Ignition installations.

System User Source

Is the user source used to secure access to the Gateway, as well as to the Designer.

Gateway Config Role(s)

Is a comma-separated list of roles, one of which is required to log into the Gateway's configuration section. These roles must be defined in the System User Source.

Status Page Role(s)

The required roles to access the Gateway's Status section. Leave blank to remove security restrictions for this section.

Home Page Role(s)

The required roles to access the Gateway's Home section. Leave blank to remove security restrictions for this section. Note that this is only used to limit the access to the homepage itself, each project has its own user source for limiting access to the runtimes.

Designer Role(s)

Users must belong to one of these roles in order to have access for logging into the Designer. Multiple roles can be specified by separating them with commas.

Create Project Role(s)

Users must belong to one of these roles in order to create a new Designer project. Multiple roles can be specified by separating them with commas.

Global Resource Protection

The roles required to protect or modify a protected global resource such as an alarm pipeline. If blank, anyone that can log into the Designer can protect global resources.

Allow User Admin

Allows the administration of the Gateway's system user source from the Designer and Client. Unless this is enabled, the Vision module's User Management Component is prevented from altering the Gateway's system user source.


Forces the clients to use SSL encrypted communication when talking to the Gateway. It is highly recommended that you purchase and install a genuine SSL certificate if you use this option. See Installing a Genuine SSL Certificate .

Persist Alarms

Whether or not alarm properties such as acknowledgment should persist across Gateway restarts.

Update Notifications

When enabled a notification bar is displayed at the top of the configuration page when a new version of Ignition is available for download. This only works if your server is connected to the internet.

Web-Launch Settings

Launch Link Script Policy

Controls how the HTML that launches Clients and Designer functions. If set to JavaScript, the links use javascript to attempt to launch directly using the Java browser plugin. If set to Direct, the links are direct links to the *.jnlp files that launch the Client or Designer.

Allowed JREs

A semicolon separated list of allowed JREs for web-launching Clients and Designers. For example: 1.7;1.8 allows Java 7 and Java 8.

Designer Memory

The maximum amount of memory that the Designer has access to.

Disable Direct3D/

Disable DirectDraw

These properties affect launched Clients and Designers on Windows OS only. These flags control whether or not the Java Swing windowing subsystem may use Direct3D and/or DirectDraw. Disabling these features can incur a performance penalty, but might be required for some video cards that have faulty DirectX drivers.

Local Client Fallback

Enable Local Fallback

Enables a client to fall back to a project in a local Gateway if communication is lost to the central Gateway. Note that port 6501 must be open on the local machine.

Seconds Before Failover

The number of seconds to wait before switching to the local Gateway project after communication loss.

Fallback Project

The local project to use during fallback.

Scheduled Backup Settings

Enable Scheduled Backups

Enables the scheduled backup system which automatically makes backups at a scheduled time.

Backup Folder

A path to a folder in which to put the scheduled backups.

Backup Schedule

A UNIX crontab style scheduling string representing when to make the backups.

Retention Count

The number of backups to keep in the backup folder.

Error Reporting

SMTP Server

When not blank, user-reported errors are emailed using this SMTP server.

To Address

The email address(es) that will receive the error notification. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (;)

From Address

The email address that the error notification is from.

SMTP Username

A username for the SMTP server, if required.

Change Password?

Check this box to change the existing password.


A password for the SMTP server, if required.


Re-type password for verification.

Multicast Settings

Enable Multicast

Allows this Gateway to be discoverable on your local network.

Multicast IP Address

Gateway messages are broadcast on this address.

Send Port

This port must be open on this machine to send multicast messages.

Recieive Port

This port must be open on any machine that will receive multicast messages.

Message Interval

The interval in milliseconds at which multicast messages will be sent.

Gateway Status Pages

You can monitor the Ignition Gateway from the Status section of the Gateway or from the Gateway Control Utility (GCU).

The Status section provides detailed information relating to the following parts:

Status about ...



Provides a top-down view of many of the components of your Gateway. This view is also useful for determining what step might be next when setting up your Ignition Gateway for the first time. You can view the status of your database connections, device connections, OPC connections, the number of open Clients and the number of open Designers.


A list of installed modules, their status, as well information about their version and current license state.


Lists information about the current state of Redundancy in Ignition. This information is only helpful when connected to another redundant Ignition server.


Lists information and statistics about all configured Tag Providers as well as a view into the Tag subscription model, scan classes, and what tags it is currently subscribed to.

Database Connections

This important section shows your database connections, their status, and their current load. Each status panel has information about the connection such as queries/second, total queries, and the average query duration.

Store & Forward

Shows you what each of your Store & Forward engines are doing. They show the number of pending and quarantined records that exist in the various stages of the S&F engines, as well as the throughput of records going through each stage. Note that if the final sink (the Database Storage) is available, data will jump directly from the memory buffer to the database storage, skipping the local cache. See also: Controlling Quarantine Data.

OPC Connections

Shows status details about all of your OPC connections and any subscriptions you have made through these connections. You can view the status of any connection as well as find details for trouble shooting when the status is bad. Statistics on the number of reads, writes, and updates are also kept.


Shows status details about all of the Designer and Client sessions that are communicating with this Gateway. You can see information such as their subscriptions, user credentials, and so on.

Gateway Scripts

Shows status details about all the scripts that are running in Gateway. You can see information such as their execution status, whether the scripts are running or not, and so on.

Gateway Network

Displays information about the Controllers and Agents in the Gateway Area Network if you are using the EAM module.


Displays information about the current and scheduled tasks for the Gateway Area Netowrk if you are using the EAM module.

Alarm Pipelines

Shows the status details about the alarm pipelines. You can see the status of an alarm and where the alarm is in the pipeline.

EAM Agents

Displays the status of connected EAM Agents. Only appears on Controllers, and requires the EAM module to be installed.

Ignition OPC-UA Server

This section has two tabs: Devices and Server Statistics.
The Devices tab lists of all configured devices, the status for each device, as well as details about the driver that device is using.
The Server Statistics tab is a set of basic performance statistics accumulated for the duration the server has been running as well as a list of subscriptions and their corresponding subscribed nodes that the server currently knows about.


Displays information about the current and scheduled reports on the Gateway if you are using the Reporting module.

Voice Alarming

Shows in-progress and queued Voice Notifications. This section only appears if the Voice Notification Module is installed.

Starting and Stopping the Gateway

After installation, the Gateway starts automatically. You can manually stop and start the service. Depending on the platform you are using, the following is how you can manually start and stop the Gateway.


Access the service control utility at Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Then use the Ignition Gateway service to control the run state of the Gateway.


You can control the service using the script. It can be called with the start and stop parameters to perform the relevant operations.

For example:

./ start

Troubleshooting the Gateway

The Gateway Console provides a wealth of information about the running state of the Gateway. These information are mainly used for advanced troubleshooting, and are not often consulted in normal operation.

To access the Console go to, System > Console in the Configure section of the Gateway. The System Console page is displayed showing the following tabs:

Of all of the tabs in this section, the Logs tab is the most useful for system administrators. Logs shows the most recent output of Gateway Loggers - units in the Gateway application that output information.

The Levels tab shows all of the registered system Loggers, and the Level of detail that they should record.

The Threads tab shows the current state of all system threads.

The Memory tab provides a breakdown of how much memory is being used by Ignition.

The Execution tab show a list of all registered "executors"- tasks that perform repeat operations.

The Advanced tab is the entry point to the Raw Settings Viewer. The Raw Settings Viewer allows advanced users to make queries against the internal database for advanced troubleshooting purposes. There is
potential to really do some damage to the Ignition installation if one isn't careful. You should never work directly with the internal database.

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